Product Attributes Shortcode

Available Parameters

title: Title of this shortcode
parent: Parent category ID
numbers: Numbers of categories to show ( empty = all )
columns: Numbers of columns per row
orderby: ID, slug, count ( empty = default “drag&drop” order )
order: asc ( default ), desc
image_width: default = Catalog Images width in WooCommerce Settings
image_height: default = Catalog Images height in WooCommerce Settings
image_crop: yes / no, default = Catalog Images hard crop in WooCommerce Settings
show_title: yes (default) / no : Show category title
show_count: yes (default) / no : Show category count

Example 1

return all “brand” product attributes

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes”][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes”]

Example 2

return all “brand” product attributes in 3 columns per row

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” columns=”3″][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” columns=”3″]

Example 3

return four “brand” product attributes in 4 columns per row

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″]

Example 4

return four “brand” product attributes in 4 columns per row and hide category count

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ show_count=”no”][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ show_count=”no”]

Example 5

return four “brand” product attributes in 4 columns per row and hide category title

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ show_title=”no”][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ show_title=”no”]

Example 6

return four “brand” product attributes in 4 columns per row and ordered by slug name

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”slug”][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”slug”]

Example 7

return four “brand” product attributes in 4 columns per row and ordered by category count

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”count”][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”count”]

Example 8

return four “brand” product attributes in 4 columns per row and custom image size (portrait style)

[prima_code][prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ image_width=”125″ image_height=”200″][/prima_code]

[prima_product_attributes attribute=”brand” title=”Brand Attributes” numbers=”4″ columns=”4″ image_width=”125″ image_height=”200″]


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